The 2016 European Football Championship is now available in your pocket!
available on app store available for android


Check out the top-class features included in Euro 16!

In-Play events

Don’t miss an update

Timeline, lineups, match statistics. Everything available in real time without reloading the page.


All the events are here​

Check when your team is playing and plan a day off with a beer and some friends. Don’t forget to invite me.


Available for the Group Stage​

Who is leading the group? Who has the best goal difference? Keep yourself informed with the Standings!


Follow your favourite events

Add your team to the Favourites. Get a quick overview on the last results and future challenges.

Betting Odds

For geeks only

Pre-match Odds are available. Check who has the best chance of winning.


Because Europe is big​

Euro 16 is available in three languages: English, Italian and - of course - French.


Check them out and enjoy!

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Download Euro 16 now!

Available on App Store and direct download for Android

This App includes match odds and cannot be added to Google Play. Here is available the direct download.
For Android: to install the App please enable Unknown Sources on your device.

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